Today, Archangel Muriel is gently letting her presence be known by a sweet floral smell in your surroundings. Pay attention to it!
Muriel is posing an important question for you right now, “Why are you blocking your blessings?”
She wants you to know that it is a part of your divine soul path to develop your psychic senses, but she can see that you’re not allowing yourself to simply be your true, energetically sensitive, emotional self.
As an empath, you may have grown up with difficulty being able to express your emotions and feelings. It’s almost like your feelings provide you both gifts and curses, right?
Muriel wants you to know that your sensitivity is a gift as it is heightened intuition. She is encouraging you to lean into your emotional nature. You’re highly intuitive and here to help heal the world.
Society has been so harsh and many have misunderstood the power of emotional intelligence. Don’t let everyone else’s misunderstanding of emotions and psychic ability hold you back from reaching your true potential.
Archangel Muriel delivers the message that if you truly work to break down the guard around your heart, you'll be gifted with new intuitive gifts that can take your healing work to the next level.