
Archangel Camael is with you right now and sends you the powerful message that no one should be able to take you out of character, no matter how big or small their betrayal was.

You see, Archangel Camael’s name holds so much power. It literally means “he who sees God.” Right now, you’re being the gift of discernment and clarity -- this is no easy gift to develop. It will challenge your temper.

However, no matter how upsetting feeling slighted may be, now you can see things for what they truly are. You are meant to observe and adjust, but you are not to step outside of yourself to administer justice in the way that you see fit.

Archangel Camael is a mighty angel that is in charge of 12,000 fiery angels of destruction, appointed by this universal source of power to administer divine justice when necessary.

He also presents the energy of power, invisibility, and invincibility, showing those that he is with the way to clear karmic debts with integrity.

As much as rage and anger might run through you, Archangel Camael can help guide this fiery energy with his rulership over the planet Mars, or the planet of passion, war, and aggression.

He helps us move forward in divinity and grace by reminding you that there’s no need for you to step outside of your own character -- that all divine justice can and will be handled with the power of his holy squadron.

To call forth the mighty power of Archangel Camael, simply ask for his assistance in providing relief from any negative feelings or emotional disturbances.